Thursday, June 30, 2005

You Complete Me

You trusted your instincts and let go your fear;
and made my life richer, while holding me warm.
You reached deep inside me, traversed my frontier;
We solaced together and weathered each storm.

You touched me, caressed me with comforting words.
You invited me; feel your love's warming glow.
You lifted me so we see further than birds,
Ohh, such sweet regard for eachother we'd show.

My laughter is rich and my smile is so bright
My thoughts full with you as your praises extol.
The joy that you bring, such a glowing delight;
Yes, you complete me; now at last I am whole.

© Manfred Vijars

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

La utopía...

La utopía está en el horizonte: cuando yo camino dos pasos, ella se aleja dos pasos. Yo camino diez pasos, y ella esta diez pasos más lejos: ¿Para que sirve la utopía? Sirve para eso, para caminar.

Eduardo Galeano

On The Poetic Being of Timeless Nothingness

Being and Nothingness
Nothing ever was
or will be again
Nowhere else
has Being ever been

Being and Time
Timeless then
Timeless again
There is no Time
An Illusion, a crime
Because somehow
Only is now

Nothingness and Time
A cosmic riddle sublime
New dimensions for quazi-poets
Corrupt measured Rhyme
Is it a cursetime free verse
And twist our fate
Freedom comes too late

And all this while
Mutation a style
All that is Being
Is NOW I am Seeing

And so Being is blown
Into the Unknown
Is upon us now
Quantum-instant somehow
Lasts forever

An Infinite Friend
Will Being Be ?
Timeless Nothing
Comes to an End



Prosperity in the haze tonight
the softened edges of the sky
not even allowing the breath
of a harsh word to tear the

The summation of the moon
that it is New and will be
climbing again to Full is made
with peace and the changing of
hands with sunlight

Purple martins are chasing their
dinner through the air with the
surety of darts tossed upward
by the final child making his
way home to dinner

Something is calling tonight
but we are all too lazy
to listen

better to watch the night come on
and then just slip to sleep.


Tuesday, June 28, 2005

An Emporium

An emporium of views
in a really large window
shows everybody's life
and each innuendo.
Our unjust solace scenes
of which we toss aside,
just because they may have been
not earned, but a free ride.
This emporium of views
is an department store of life
that shows us how the easy stuff
was cause for so much strife.
I believe that it would help us
if we would turn around
and see where all the hard earned things
can bring us solid ground.
Helping us to have more respect
for things we throw away
and even help us somehow find
a better brighter day.

By Bill Pearce

La amabilidad


Cesar Guzman

Monday, June 27, 2005

O Laço e o Abraço

« Eu nunca tinha reparado como é curioso um laço...
Uma fita dando voltas? Se enrosca...
Mas não se embola, vira, revira, circula e pronto: está dado o laço.
É assim que é o abraço: coração com coração, tudo isso cercado de braço.
É assim que é o laço: um abraço no presente, no cabelo, no vestido, em qualquer coisa onde o faço.
E quando puxo uma ponta, o que é que acontece? Vai escorregando devagarinho, desmancha, desfaz o abraço.
Solta o presente, o cabelo, fica solto no vestido.
Ah! Então é assim o amor, a amizade, tudo que é sentimento? Como um pedaço de fita?
Enrosca, segura um pouquinho, mas pode se desfazer a qualquer hora, deixando livre as duas bandas do laço.
Por isso é que se diz: laço afetivo, laço de amizade.
E quando alguém briga, então se diz - romperam-se os laços.
E saem as duas partes, iguais aos meus pedaços de fita, sem perder nenhum pedaço.
Então o amor é isso...
Não prende, não escraviza, não aperta, não sufoca.
Porque quando vira nó, já deixou de ser um laço! »


Vuelvo los ojos al ayer dormido,
en sueños de nostalgias añorado;
escudriño el futuro, suspendido
en girones de niebla, anticipado;
miro en torno de mí, talvez perdido
entre lo que ya fue, y lo no llegado...
Qué importa dónde estuve, a dónde voy ???
El mejor día de la vida es hoy.

Francisco Álvarez Hidalgo

A heart in the sky

Two steady protective arrows
Made of tiny sheep clouds,
Running North-West above me
Across the sky pointing over the horizon.
Three fast moving clouds of mist.
The moon rising now
In pastel pink over pastel light blue ground.
Coloring gigantic arrows
Into a pinkish orange paint.
Finally pointing to the aim over the hill -
A heart in the sky......


Sunday, June 26, 2005


¿Te han acariciado sin rozarte la piel?

Irradia el ser destellos
Inmanejables, irrazonables
Suspiros enérgicos del material...
¿del que está hecha la vida?

¿Qué insubordina a tanta magia dormida?
¿Borrascas de otras vidas?
¿La adormecida sabiduría del alma
que irrumpe la monotonía?

Inanuciado anónimo segundo
que une el origen y el fin y el todo
desbordando destellos
que decapitan las astas agudas
del portal de la piel.

Brilla la mirada
se tensa la palma morando su entraña
no rosa sustancia.
Acelera el ritmo el pecho
se detiene el tiempo.

toca tu cuerpo.

Marcelo D. Ferrer

My Time

« I've had a lot of memories in my lifetime.
Some are good....but most were bad.
If I were to chose my greatest memory
It would have to be my friendship with you.

In the days to the seasons far beyond the sun
I will walk in the sands of time
It's knowing now that this...
This is my time to cherish this life I love so much
There is no greater power than to love
Or to be carressed in the warmeth of one's love
If there is anything more beautiful then tell me.

But now it is my time
For I am an old soul passing through
Not really belonging to much of any place
And then I met you.
We talked for hours about what we wanted
About feelings we had.
Not realizing we were going places
Only the gods could see the end of.
I don't know what the future holds for us.
But I do know we will always be best friends.
And for that I am most thankful. »

Saturday, June 25, 2005

... por vivir

"Hay que quemar el cielo si es preciso: por vivir."

Silvio Rodríguez

A duas mãos

Sorcerers Ascend

Sorcerers I believe in as
Illusions before my eyes
But I bear no false witness
In case they might be lies

One is a mystery, another is just magic
Both seem to me are nothing more than tragic
Conjured from the deep and fiery burning well
Possession for your soul, the trickster will not tell

And will you ever see beyond the smoke and mirrors
Towards something higher rising above our selfish fears
The third eye is not blind, modern apes have never known
It is long past the time for new sight to make your own

But when you realize That - It's already far too late
To build a world of love in a place so full of hate
Fall upon your sword, words become self-sacrificial knife
It's the least I can do to reaffirm this dying life

For when I come again, no need to wonder why
Then is when we will all have learned how to fly
But for now there is no real need to false witness and pretend
An eternity must pass by before we finally ascend


Friday, June 24, 2005


O tempo que se perde na dúvida se perde em conquistas.
Não tenha medo.
Arrisque, o máximo que você pode ouvir é um não.
Lembre-se que este não talvez pudesse ter sido um sim,
mas você nunca vai saber
se não tentar.
Vamos todos arriscar ser feliz.
Vamos ser felizes?
Marlos Andrey







"When man thinks he knows everything, he ceases to learn. "

in the journal of Julius Gabriel

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Cuando se es niño ...

« Se es rico, aunque escaseen los recursos materiales...

Un pequeño jardín es una selva, un mundo de aventuras por descubrir...

No hay límites para los sueños...

La lluvia no es el fin del camino, es una bendición del cielo para recibir mas energías para el viaje...

La pared del cuarto es un lienzo donde desarrollar su mundo de imaginación...

La sonrisa de sus padres es música celestial en sus oídos que aporta una suave caricia de aprobación y afecto...

Aunque haya barro en su cuerpo, sus manos están siempre limpias y su mirada inocente.. »

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

forbidden archaeology

" (...) sometimes it's easier just to refute the facts than to attempt to come up with a feasible explanation of what can't be explained."

by Steve Alten

momento do tempo...

"Tudo o que nasce ou é feito num determinado momento do tempo tem as qualidades desse momento do tempo...."

Carl Gustav Jung

Dare to fail

"In life, rejection is only a comma, failure a semi-colon. They are not full-stops!"

Billi Lim

Acciona tus sueños

"La vida está en gran parte compuesta por sueños. Hay que unirlos a la acción".

Anais Nin

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

For Free

Between the times
of today's tomorrow
there's a smile
and also sorrow.
Many different
views to see
that come from you
and also me.
I believe
we need to look
at all the good
we have mistook.
See the blessings
before there're maybe
gone away.
So appreciate
the views you see
and enjoy
what is for free.

By Bill Pearce

Find New Ways

I come out here in the heat and breeze
out here where nature is at its best,
where in the morning a three-quarter moon
can still be seen as dawn breaks
within this line of vision.

Out here where the chattering of myriad birds
all hail a new day and compete to be heard
over the roar of a window unit and
the squawk of a parrot from the next lot over.

I come out here to write in the heat
where a breeze is more than a welcome friend,
where pilgrimages are made to these flowering plants
several times daily by bees and wasps,..

Out here where small peices of bread drop like
clockwork from a balcony somewhere overhead;
a treat for squirrels and their feathered homies.
I come out here to absorb and process
and find new ways to see.



Deep in the shadows, hidden by darkness
The call of the wild escape.
A moonlit forest-filled with a species
Each with his or her mate

The sounds they make echo throughout
With no one around to hear
Together they run for miles on end
Running from humans they fear

Standing in moonlight, heads held high
Consumed with pride and might
Now they stop and lie down to rest
Until the morning light

The night has been long, and the serenade sweet
But now it's time to dream
Tomorrow they'll go out and do it again
Wolves, untamed and free

by Scott

The future of the human race

" (...) I seek communion with the past in order to comprehend the peril that lies ahead."

in Domain

Monday, June 20, 2005

The value...

« To realize
The value of a sister
Ask someone
Who doesn't have one.

To realize
The value of ten years:
Ask a newly
Divorced couple.

To realize
The value of four years:
Ask a graduate.

To realize
The value of one year:
Ask a student who
Has failed a final exam.

To realize
The value of nine months:
Ask a mother who gave birth to a still born.

To realize
The value of one month:
Ask a mother
who has given birth to
A premature baby.

To realize
The value of one week:
Ask an editor of a weekly newspaper.

To realize
The value of one hour:
Ask the lovers who are waiting to Meet.

To realize
The value of one minute:
Ask a person
Who has missed the train, bus or plane.

To realize
The value of one-second:
Ask a person
! Who has survived an accident...

To realize
The value of one millisecond:
Ask the person who has won a silver medal in the Olympics

To realize the value of a friend:
Lose one.

Treasure every moment you have.
You will treasure it even more when
you can share it with someone special. »

A Paz Que Trago Hoje No Meu Peito...

« A paz que trago hoje no meu peito
é diferente da paz que eu sonhei um dia..
Quando se é jovem ou imaturo,
imagina-se que ter paz é poder fazer o que se quer,
repousar, ficar em silêncio e jamais enfrentar
uma contradição ou uma decepção.
Todavia, o tempo vai-nos mostrando
que a paz é resultado do entendimento de algumas
lições importantes que a vida nos oferece.
A paz está no dinamismo da vida,
no trabalho, na esperança, na confiança, na fé...
Ter paz é ter a consciência tranquila,
é ter certeza de que se fez o melhor ou,
pelo menos, tentou...
Ter paz é assumir responsabilidades e cumpri-las,
é ter serenidade nos momentos mais difíceis da vida.
Ter paz é ter ouvidos que ouvem, olhos que vêem
e boca que diz palavras que constroem.
Ter paz é ter um coração que ama...
Ter paz é não querer que os outros
se modifiquem para nos agradar,
é respeitar as opiniões contrárias,
é esquecer as ofensas.
Ter paz é aprender com os próprios erros,
é dizer não quando é não que se quer dizer...
Ter paz é ter coragem de chorar ou de sorrir
quando se tem vontade...
É ter forças para voltar atrás,
pedir perdão, refazer o caminho, agradecer...
Ter paz é admitir a própria imperfeição
e reconhecer os medos, as fraquezas, as carências...
A paz que hoje trago em meu peito
é a tranquilidade de aceitar os outros como são,
e a disposição para mudar as próprias imperfeições.
É a humildade para reconhecer que não sei tudo
e aprender até com os insectos...
É admitir que nem sempre tenho razão e,
mesmo que tenha, não brigar por ela.
A certeza da vida futura e a convicção de que receberei,
das leis soberanas da vida, o que a ela tiver oferecido.
Às vezes, para manter a paz que hoje mora no meu peito,
é preciso usar um poderoso aliado chamado silêncio.
Lembre-se de usar o silêncio quando ouvir palavras infelizes;
Quando alguém está irritado;
Quando a maledicência lhe procura;
Quando a ofensa o golpeia;
Quando alguém se encoleriza;
Quando a crítica o fere;
Quando escuta uma calúnia;
Quando a ignorância o acusa;
Quando o orgulho o humilha;
Quando a vaidade o provoca.
O silêncio é a gentileza do perdão que se cala
e espera o tempo,
por isso é uma poderosa ferramenta
para construir e manter a paz... »


A nosotros que damos lo mejor que podemos dar,
nuestros sentimientos, nuestros sueños, y hasta
nuestros corazones...

A nosotros que en algún momento sentimos algo por
alguien distante o cercano, no importa, .... por eso
a nosotros mismos, que al menos sabemos que
podemos sentir... que terminamos
demostrándonos que nuestros sentimientos están intactos.

Y sí; a nosotros mismos que somos lo mejor
que tenemos y lo brindamos así, sin más a quien lo
pida ... quizás porque también necesitamos recibir.
A todos los que conocimos y olvidamos, a los que nos
conocieron y nos olvidaron, a los que recordamos y nos
recuerdan, a los que amamos y ya no, a los
que aún nos mueven cuando vemos
su nick, aunque ya no hablemos...

A los que hablamos todos los días como si fuera el primero.
A todo este mundo creado por nosotros mismos, que
sin darnos cuenta ya no podemos escapar, ya no queremos escapar porque forma
parte de nosotros,
porque lo necesitamos y nos necesita.

A los miles de sueños que corren día a día por la red.
A los que están solos, a los que se sienten solos, ... a los que no.
A todos los buscadores con sus ... hay alguien de.....?,... a los que
encuentran ... y a los que no.

Por eso quiero dedicar este momento a nosotros
mismos, a mi, a ti, y darte las gracias por estar,
quizás nunca sepa tu nombre, ni de dónde eres,
quizás nunca te vea, pero
estás ... y eso es
lo que importa

* 1 best ghost story in Wales

The Warrior Knight of the Blood Red Plume

This gothic horror first appeared in a very rare little book of Welsh legends published in 1803 - and never appeared again in print until I summarised it in my first book, Supernatural Clwyd, 185 years later.

This is one of the reasons it's a favourite of mine - I feel like I discovered it. It's also wonderfully over-the-top.

The eponymous knight - so named for his fancy headgear - turns up at Rhuddlan Castle on the North Wales coast, where a marriage is about to be solemnised by Erilda, Princess of North Wales, and a Prince of South Wales - thereby uniting the nation and bringing peace to Wales for the first time.

But, alas, the Warrior Knight steals Erilda's heart, causing her to elope, and he also sees to it that her father is killed. Wales is once again plunged into discord and the Warrior Knight reveals himself to be "an agent of the infernal" - a demon.

His work done, he reveals that his true form is a huge, scaly monster.

No wonder, then, that the castle's walls now echo at night to despairing shrieks and wails and Erilda's heartbroken wraith can occasionally be glimpsed among the ruins.

* 2 best ghost story in Wales

The Thing at Lisworney Crossways

This story took some work to nail down. Tracing the story, I found it was first noted in 1839 and learned that it had occurred somewhere in the Vale of Glamorgan.

But where? Lisworney Crossways does not exist today. Lots of staring at modern maps, however, revealed a house called Llysworney - and near it a crossroads.

One of these lanes led to a farm mentioned in the tale. When I visited the area to do some fieldwork, I was delighted to discover that this track is now a green lane, entirely overgrown - quite delightful on the summer's day when I visited, but almost unbearably spooky at night, I should imagine.

And the ghost? Something really horrible - a spectre with the head and shoulders of a man and the body and limbs of a great, spotted dog. And it had two luminous, "moon-like" eyes.

Most of us would probably have fallen into a dead faint had we encountered this monster in the lane, but Old Anthony, the farm servant who features as the hero in the story, nonchalantly threw his hat at it, and it disappeared.

* 3 best ghost story in Wles

The Demon Husband

One of the oldest stories in Haunted Wales is also one of the strangest.

It was first written down in 1691, compiled from letters written only a few years after the events were said to have taken place.

The setting is a house, now ruined I believe, on the Gower.

It features the apparition of a living person (not as unusual as you might think) - one Lieutenant Colonel Bowen, who was away in Ireland, leading a dissipated life.

The haunting first manifested itself in the form of alarming crashes and bangs sounding around the house. Then a weird facsimile of Colonel Bowen appeared in his wife's bedchamber and it demanded to get into bed with her.

Realising it was something ungodly, she refused and it became irate. But it did not approach her and, as she prayed fervently, it disappeared.

From then on, the household had no rest. Shrieks, moans and "the noise of whirlwind" echoed round the rooms and Mrs Bowen saw the shape of something invisible lying in her bed, accompanied by the disgusting smell "of a carcase some-while dead".

Her bedroom filled with "a thick smoak (sic) smelling like sulphur" and she and her servants were slapped and pinched by unseen hands. And throughout all this, the fake Lt Col Bowen kept reappearing and goading them all. Eventually, they abandoned the house altogether.

* 4 best ghost story in Wales

The Ghost Ship

Another classic Welsh ghost story is that concerning the haunting of the HMS Asp in the 1850s.

This humble surveying vessel became haunted by mysterious noises emanating from an empty cabin and then, after a period of time, by a female apparition.

The ghost terrified the sailors - one poor fellow went into convulsions at the sight of her - and Captain Alldridge, who kept careful note of the phenomena, found himself with an almost mutinous crew.

The story starts at Deeside in Flintshire but ends at Pembroke Dock, where the Asp sailed to, in need of repairs. Once the ship was in dock, the phantom disembarked.

She walked past several hysterical sentries - who vainly fired their muskets at her - and vanished for good in a graveyard. The origin of the ghost remains a mystery.

* 5 best ghost story in Wales

The Trapped Spirit

A ghost story which concerns the creation of the Vyrnwy Reservoir in Mid Wales in the 1880s.

It is a fascinating piece of social history as much as anything else. The entire valley of Treweryn, near Bala, was drowned so the people of Liverpool could have clean water, so it's no wonder the locals resisted the scheme.

But one of the things that alarmed them most was that one of the first tasks was to blow up a big rock, under which they believed an exorcist had trapped a troublesome spirit more than 100 years previously - and they genuinely feared the ghost would be released in the process.

The local vicar, Rev Evans, recorded what happened when the Scouse navvies finally got their way, and it makes amusing reading, for they became just as caught up in the atmosphere of dread as the locals.

Sunday, June 19, 2005

* 6 best ghost story in Wales

The Spectral Crime Fighter

Equally amusing, and unique, is another tale from Mid Wales, this time from Blaenporth, just north of Cardigan.

A man living near the church was woken one night by none other than the village's very own ghost, Mair Wen (White Mary). She was very upset. She told the amazed chap the communion cup had been pinched from the church - and that she had chosen him to go and retrieve it.

The psychic detective knew exactly where the culprit was - in a pub in Cardigan - and she also knew the precious silverware was stuffed inside his waistcoat. Unable to ignore such a plea, the gentleman quickly dressed and rode through the night to Cardigan.

There, snoring his head off in the pub named by Mair Wen, he found the thief. Retrieving the cup proved simple - it fell out of the befuddled lout's waistcoat when he woke up.

So, without waiting to argue, our hero galloped back to Blaenporth as fast as he could and returned the sacred vessel to the grateful ghost.

* 7 best ghost story in Wales

Tom the Lord

Tom the Lord is a ghost after my own heart. In life he was the squire of Redwick, near Newport, a man very fond - rather too fond - of the local cider.

One morning, after an especially uproarious night before, Tom the Lord was found dead in a ditch. Even as grave a matter as death was insufficient to break the bibulous habits of such an ardent drinker, however.

Tom returned from the other side - for more cider. Farmer Thorn, who brewed the stuff, would find his taps open and a barrel drained every night, while the villagers found their rest disturbed by the over-spirited spirit's drunken antics.

Soon the farmer learned that if he left just one pint of his special scrumpy out at night, the ghost of Tom the Lord would leave the rest alone. All very well for him - but the regular sight of the sozzled phantom in Redwick was too much for the populace as a whole, and no less than 12 ministers were called in to finally send Tom the Lord to his eternal rest - and at last they were able to enjoy theirs again.

* 8 best ghost story in Wales

The Skeleton Bride

By way of complete contrast, there is this grim tale - another gothic horror story, first told (in gloriously overripe prose) in an old journal, the Cambrian Quarterly, in 1831.

The author is anonymous and the story is written in English, but he is so specific in his details that there may be a genuine Welsh tradition behind it all.

It tells of an incident which took place in a remote valley in Gwynedd in the early 18th century, when a young girl on her way to be married foolishly hides in a hollow tree for a prank - and gets trapped.

Despite frantic searches, she is not found alive again. She starves to death and her husband-to-be goes mad with grief and the mystery of it all.

Years later, he does come face-to-face with his bride again - when a lightning bolt rends the tree and her skeleton tumbles out. He drops dead from the shock.

After such a tragedy, it is no surprise to learn that their ghosts later haunted the site - "hand in hand, the skeleton bride and the wild-man bridegroom, as they were known".

* 9 best ghost story in Wales

The Thing in Calico

One story which genuinely gave me the creeps was recorded in a book of True Ghost Stories, published in 1936.

One fine summer's night, the Rev H Elwyn Thomas was walking along a lonely stretch of road beside a canal at Llangynidr, near Abergavenny, when he noticed an odd-looking figure standing nearby.

Taking him for a tramp, Mr Thomas decided to walk over and speak to him.
Which was a mistake.

What he saw was, "an old man over whose face the leaden-coloured skin was tightly stretched; the lips were thin and bloodless, and the half-open mouth toothless.

Two piercing and semi-luminous eyes, set far back, stared at Mr Thomas..." The figure was also bizarrely dressed - hardly dressed, in fact. Two filthy strips of calico were wound round and round its emaciated body, and that was all.

A nameless dread gripped Mr Thomas and, to his own amazement, he ran blindly away. Minutes later, he stopped, ashamed of himself, and turned round. But the Thing had followed him, floating down the road and was almost on top of him.

Only then did the appalled Mr Thomas realise it was a ghost. There followed a nightmare chase down the road - ending in Mr Thomas's collapse from nerves and exhaustion. The ghost turned out to be that of a mad old miser who had died years before and who used to dress himself in filthy strips of calico, just as Mr Thomas had seen.

* 10 best ghost story in Wales

Tales of the Old Prophet

One of Wales' earliest collectors of ghost stories, the Rev Edmund Jones, known as The Old Prophet.

Jones, who lived at the Tranch in Torfaen, published an extraordinary little book in 1780 called Apparitions of Spirits. It's stuffed full of weirdness.

Not content with drab fare like white ladies or nuns and monks, Jones's ghosts are the most bizarre on record - giant figures, misshapen things "without regular members", apparitions which rolled like a ball or over-and-over like a Catherine wheel, spectres with grotesquely long tongues and spirits which took the form of hounds or pigs or great sheets of fire.

And yet in many cases these stories are the most carefully authenticated.

Jones is able to tell us who saw the ghost and precisely when and where. Many were told to him first-hand and indeed, uniquely among early collectors of ghost stories, he also saw ghosts himself.

There is perfection

All mental inharmonies are the manifestation of woundedness, and all wounds can be healed. There is perfection in the essence of each one of us.

By Susan Blass

Under the starlit sky

Under the starlit sky,
my heart keeps yearning
for valuable moment
shared with friends
in quiet understanding.

In a glance
time passes
and our destinies
in a spiritual convention
into a mutual affair.

Mathieu Bodifée

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Keep It Shining

I'll always be there for you in a hurry.
As long as I'm around, you'll never have to worry.

You'll take precedence in all I do.
I promise to be there for all you go through.

Without you, my life would be incomplete.
Knowing you makes life so sweet.

Your friendship is so valuable.
It makes my life meaningful.

Everyone should have a friendship like ours.
A friendship so bright it shines like the stars!

Lucifer Love

una sola humanidad

"Si los seres humanos supieran que hay centenas de miles de planetas con vida allá afuera, tal vez se ocuparían más en encontrar similitudes que diferencias para crear la noción de una sola humanidad..."

StarGate TV series

a Haiku set

time is colored glass
changing as minutes count down
the beating of hearts

yellow flowers bend
to the winds of changing time...
spring's a fading thought


About friendship...

"True happiness consists not in the multitude of friends, but in their worth and choice."
Samuel Johnston

"It is not so much our friends' help that helps us as the confident knowledge that they will help us."
Epicurus (341 - 270 BC) Greek philosopher.

"Be slow to fall into friendship; but when thou art in, continue firm and constant."
Socrates, Greek Philosopher

"Anybody can sympathise with the sufferings of a friend, but it requires a very fine nature to sympathise with a friend's success."
Oscar Wilde

"But friendship is precious, not only in the shade, but in the sunshine of life; and thanks to a benevolent arrangement of things, the greater part of life is sunshine."
Thomas Jefferson

"The world would be so lonely, in sunny hours or gray. Without the gift of friendship, to help us every day."
Hilda Brett Farr

"Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light."
Helen Keller

"Happiness is time spent with a friend and looking foward to sharing time with them again."
Lee Wilkinson

Friday, June 17, 2005

Lost thought... pensamento perdido

Na vitória do que sou... perdi quem eu queria ser

In winning what I am, I lost what I wanted to become

Thursday, June 16, 2005

where it is gone...

I saw a child carrying a light.
I asked him where he had brought it from.
He put it out, and said:
"Now you tell me where it is gone."

Hasan of Basra

Para pôr fim à guerra, tornem os homens deuses

Por vezes, os homens interrompem a guerra
para criar deuses. Deuses de paz, que fariam
da Terra um paraíso. Um local para os homens
pensarem, amarem e brincarem. Sem guerras
que lhes toldassem as mentes e corações. Impedir,
de alguma forma, que os homens fossem homens.

Os deuses fazem a guerra para impedir que
os homens se transformem em deuses.
Sem o rufar de tambores para nos encher
os ouvidos, que paraíso poderíamos fazer
da Terra! A estabilidade que é guerra
deixada para trás? De alguma forma livre para

parar a guerra? Os deuses criam os homens para
serem de alguma forma como eles. Por isso,
os homens expressam a sua divindade na guerra.
Ceifar vidas: é isso que os deuses
fazem. Não a intuição feminina para a criação
da vida. Nem o simples senso de parar.

Os homens da guerra criam deuses. para impedir
a cólera desses deuses, temos de
encontrar a sensibilidade e coragem para criar
novos deuses, que não recorrem aos homens
para sacrifícios humanos. Novos deuses,
com repugnância à guerra.

Deuses, deixem de fazer com que os homens
se guerreiem para seu divertimento. Nós podemos pôr
fim ao entretenimento deles. podemos criar novos deuses
à imagem humana. Sem necessidade de
apelar ao divino. É só pegar em homens simples
e mostrar-lhes o paraíso que podem criar!

Pôr fim às guerras dos deuses! São os homens
que fazem os seus próprios destinos. Não precisamos
da guerra para provar a ninguém que somos homens.
Mas nem isso é suficiente. Para parar a guerra,
temos de ser mais. Para parar a guerra,
temos que nos tornar deuses.

Copyright Joe Haldeman in Forever Free


« Believe in your heart that something wonderful is about to happen.
Love your lifeBelieve in your own powers and your own potential and in your own innate goodness.
Wake every morning with the awe of just being alive.
Discover each day the magnificent awesome beauty in the world.
Explore and embrace life in yourself and in everyone you see each day.
Reach within to find your own specialness
Amaze yourself and rouse those around you to the potential of each new day.
Don't be afraid to admit that you are less than perfect
This is the essence of your humanity.
Let those who love you help you.
Trust enough to be able to take look with hope to the horizon of today for today is all we truly haveLive this day well.
Let a little sun out as well as in.
Create your own rainbows
Be open to all your possibilities
All possibilities and Miracles.

Always believe in Miracles. »

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

soñando lo mejor

« Vive el día de hoy con optimismo y entusiasmo! Se consciente de que eres un ser extraordinario. Sé un optimista tenaz, para que veas el día de hoy como una oportunidad más de disfrutar la vida con espíritu alegre y con la esperanza activa de decidir ser, en el futuro inmediato, la persona exitosa y feliz que mereces ser. Ser optimista es ser realista soñando lo mejor, mientras haces todo lo posible por hacer realidad lo que sueñas »

The Garden Of Secrets

Up the path you walk.
Guarded by A Wind Dancer.
The Garden Of Secrets is
just beyond.
Everywhere you look tells
a different story of the past.
You decide to venture further
and further in.
A tall rosebush is the first
thing you see, and a secret
walkway is revealed.
You walk further and further
down the path, to discover a
lake and a bridge that goes over.
Everywhere you look tells a
different story of the past.
You decide to go North and
where you end up is quite
another mystery.
A doorway opens, a bluesky
appears, and then you go through.
Like magic, your gone and disappear.
It all happened in The Garden Of

Poem Written By June

O Condor e o Beija-Flor

O Papagaio do vale amazônico havia insinuado as aves de seu reino que os homens o admiravam pela beleza de suas cores e que ele era o digno representante dos seres celestes já que sua plumagem se encontrava nos templos de Wiracocha e os Filhos do Sol comungavam com os sete raios divinos que só ele era capaz de vestir, e definitivamente o grande Papagaio merecia ser o rei do céu. Estas novidades chegaram aos ouvidos das outras aves, as quais tomaram as insinuações do Papagaio como simples intenção de superioridade em suas próprias limitações, trataram de não se influenciarem por estas palavras e esquecer estes comentários; porém a semente do orgulho e do ego havia nascido no coração das demais aves e todas ansiavam representar sua própria realeza criando-se uma anarquia onde já nem a águia conseguia ser respeitada.
O caos passou a imperar e agora as aves voavam desordenadamente, se alimentavam destruindo os campos e caçando sem necessidade, havia no céu uma sombra de terror e insegurança. A libertinagem havia sido instaurada, e nas montanhas e vales só havia tristezas. Era o momento de invocar os deuses, a chegada de um mensageiro divino para que coloca-se ordem na Terra; porém os clamores das sábias aves não se faziam escutar e o céu desconheceu o pedido. Teria que haver um outro caminho para restaurar a ordem deste reino, porém qual? Havia chegado o momento de escolher um digno representante das aves que pudesse interceder frente aos deuses do céu e este seria ave que voasse mais alta. Todos estavam de acordo e decidiram que convocariam todas as aves para que no dia designado se apresentassem para demonstrar suas qualidades de vôo. Ficou combinado o encontro para o oitavo dia do oitavo mês às oito horas da manhã e teriam que ser convocadas todas as aves da Terra para reunir-se neste dia; o tempo era suficiente e ninguém poderia alegar depois que não havia sido comunicado antecipadamente.
A gaivota foi escolhida para percorrer até os confins da Terra comunicando a decisão das aves sábias, sua missão foi quase complicada porque ela não teve como se comunicar com o Condor que morava nos topo das montanhas; como não conseguiu chegar até lá, ela teve que pedir ajuda a Raposa. Após encontra-la suplicou para que ela fosse encontrar o Condor e comunica-lo sobre o encontro acordado pelas aves para eleger o seu rei.
A Raposa subiu as montanhas para comunicar-se com o Condor e o viu voando baixo pelo vale em busca de água. Após beber água o Condor começou alçar vôo, mas encontrou a Raposa que havia acabado de comer e satisfeita havia deixado os restos para que o Condor sentisse o odor. Ao ver isso, o Condor resolveu abaixar para servir-se deste alimento sem prestar muita atenção na presença da Raposa. Depois que o Condor terminou de comer, a Raposa o cercou e disse que as aves da terra haviam convocados todas as aves na data marcada para eleger o seu rei. O Condor não demonstrou muito interesse.
A Raposa explicou todos os motivos do convite, e o Condor achou razoável que as aves do céu se organizassem para sua própria ordem; porém disse que não iria participar já que ele era o “rei das aves” e que nenhuma delas poderiam competir com sua magnitude e capacidade de elevar-se acima dos mais alto picos nevados; em suma ele era “o rei das aves” e “o que voava mais alto”.
“Querida Raposa, você que me acompanha nos momentos de grandes banquetes comunica a minha resposta aos filhos do céu e diz que “eu sou o rei das aves e o que voa mais alto” e não necessito competir; entre eles pode haver um representante do ar, porém o rei sou eu, posso ser o juiz desta disputa se eles o desejarem, e se for assim, que te enviem novamente como mensageiro para informar-me”.
As aves sentiram-se menosprezadas pela resposta do Condor, limitadas e rebaixadas em suas virtudes, porém o único caminho que lhes restavam era ceder; pediram a Raposa que comunica-se ao Condor que sua resposta havia sido aceita e que por favor se digna-se a ser o juiz da disputa, pois sua presença seria valiosa.
O dia chegou e antes do amanhecer todas as aves haviam se reunido em um grande monte aguardando a chegada do Pai Sol. Os primeiros raios do Sol iluminaram as colinas vizinhas e se começou a sentir um ar gelado próprio do amanhecer e algumas aves celebraram o calor que estava chegando e que iria aumentando com a presença do Pai Sol que agora se encontrava sobre suas cabeças. O espetáculo era digno de uma ficção celestial onde as cores, formas e cantos se misturavam na mais fascinante das manhãs; a hora da disputa ia chegando e emocionava todos os presentes.
Quando todos estavam prontos, apareceu um Beija-Flor que acabara de escutar que o Condor não participaria da competição porque se considerava “o rei das aves e aquele que voava mais alto”, comentário que o Beija-Flor não considerou justo para alguém de tão grande tamanho e poder. O Beija-Flor abriu caminho com suas delicadas asas e apresentou-se diante do Condor dizendo que ele também era uma ave e que como tal teria que mostrar o que se supunha, e que mesmo dentro da sua humildade aceitava que o Condor “era o rei das aves”, porém definitivamente, ele, o Beija-Flor era quem voava mais alto; ao escutar isto as demais aves sentiram-se seguras e insistiram que o Condor participasse das disputas. A pressão foi tanta, que o Condor teve que aceitar, porém proclamou mias uma vez que “ele era o rei das aves e que voava mais alto”. O sinal foi dado e na hora em que todas as aves estavam apostos, o Beija-Flor se acercou do Condor e falou “tu es o rei das aves” admiro-o por isto, porém “sou eu que voa mais alto”; o Condor sorriu e lhe disse “Querido Kenti, Beija-Flor dos vales e das pradarias, sua presença me inspira e teu tamanho me mostra a grandeza do seu espírito, porém o grande Wiracocha colocou em meu peito o poder de reinar neste mundo e sou o que voa mais alto”.
A Raposa, audaz e silenciosa deu a partida da competição. Aos poucos as aves levantaram vôo em direção ao céu. O Condor aguardou a chegada de um vento para impulsionar-se e no exato momento em que se desprendia da terra com um movimento seguro e forte de suas asas, o Beija-Flor de peito dourado agitou suas asas e num piscar de olhos aproximou-se do Condor e desapareceu; as aves já estavam em sua totalidade no ar e agora cada uma demonstrava sua capacidade de elevar-se para ser coroado “rei”; algumas planavam de maneira genial, outras seguiam as correntes do vento; outras seguiam o caminho do Sol; algumas rompiam suas próprias barreiras invocando a força da terra, da querida Pachamama para com vitalidade não decepcionar seus familiares.
Chegaram aos mil metros de altitude e quase todas continuavam emparelhadas; ascenderam os dois mil e algumas se encontravam abaixo das montanhas; os três mil metros foram mais severos e muitas aves desistiram por causa da falta de oxigênio; nos quatro mil metros, muitas outras pararam por causa dos efeitos do mal de soroche (mal das alturas); agora só os mais fortes seguiam a jornada em direção ao Sol. Nos cinco mil metros, as montanhas se apresentavam cada vez mais desoladas e brancas; as águias, falcões, gaviões e outras aves de rapinas ainda permaneciam lado a lado subindo os níveis do céu.
Nos seis mil metros, quase todas haviam ficado para trás, a exceção da Águia e do Condor, este último em um movimento ondulado continuava elevando-se com a serenidade de sua própria estirpe; chegaram aos sete mil metros e a Águia pousou nos picos nevados, desistindo da competição. O Condor seguia impávido e sorria interiormente celebrando sua presença nos cumes mais altos de nossa Terra e junto à pureza do céu olhando a terra e todos os seus confins, e silenciosamente dizia: “eu sou o rei das aves”. Neste mesmo instante sentiu umas pancadas em sua cabeça e sem entender viu o Beija-Flor acima de sua cabeça dizendo: “tu és o rei das aves, porém eu vôo mais alto”.
No momento do início da competição, o Beija-Flor havia se acercado do Condor e desapareceu escondendo-se entre suas plumagens fazendo do Condor seu veículo até o céu e as alturas de Wiracocha; a cumplicidade de ambos é apresentada nesta história. Desde os primórdios da história andina o Condor esteve relacionado com o Beija-Flor e ambos passaram a representar o simbolismo andino.
Lenda cedida gentilmente por Mallku, “James Arévalo”, retirado do livro Eternamente Machu Picchu.
Traduzido livremente por Jaguar Dourado, “Wagner Frota”, um Lobo do Cerrado

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Aqui jaz

doce vitória de um ser vazio
pairava nas memórias do que fora
o presente revelava-se indiferente
não havia o conceito do depois

Perdid@ no silêncio
ouviu-se ser
Sem rua para onde seguir
ou luz para @ guiar

"Aqui jaz a minha consciência
quem encontrar a minha vontade
por favor traga-a de volta"

Sunday, June 12, 2005

I've learned..

« I've learned....
that the best classroom in the world
is at the feet of an elderly person.

I've learned....
that when you're in love, it shows.

I've learned....
that just one person saying to me,
"You've made my day!" makes my day.

I've learned....
that having a child fall asleep in your arms
is one of the most peaceful feelings in the world.

I've learned....
that being kind is more important than being right.

I've learned....
that you should never say no to a gift from a child.

I've learned....
that I can always pray for someone when I don't
that I can always pray for someone when I don't

I've learned....
that no matter how serious your life requires you to
be,everyone needs a friend to act goofy with.

I've learned....

that sometimes all a person needs is
a hand to hold and a heart to understand.

I've learned....
that life is like a roll of toilet paper.
The closer it gets to the end, the faster it goes.

I've learned....
that money doesn't buy class.

I've learned....
that it's those small daily happenings that make life
so spectacular.

I've learned....
that under everyone's hard shell is someone who wants
to be appreciated and loved.

I've learned....
that to ignore the facts does not change the facts.

I've learned....
that when you plan to get even with someone,
you are only letting that person continue to hurt you.

I've learned....
that love, not time, heals all wounds.

I've learned....
that the easiest way for me to grow as a person
is to surround myself with people smarter than I am.

I've learned....
that everyone you meet deserves to be greeted with a

I've learned....
that there's nothing sweeter than holding a sleeping baby
and feeling their breath against your cheek.

I've learned....
that no one is perfect until you fall in love with them.

I've learned....
that life is tough, but I'm tougher.

I've learned....
that opportunities are never lost;
someone will take the ones you miss.

I've learned....
that when you harbor bitterness,
happiness will dock elsewhere.

I've learned....
that one should keep his words both soft and tender,
because tomorrow he may have to eat them.

I've learned....
that a smile is an inexpensive way to improve your looks.

I've learned....
that I can't choose how I feel,
but I can choose what I do about it.

I've learned....
that when a newborn baby holds your little finger in his little fist,
you're hooked for life.

I've learned....
that everyone wants to live on top of the mountain,
but all the happiness and growth occurs while you're climbing it.

I've learned....
that it is best to give advice in only two circumstances;
when it is requested and when it is a life-threatening situation.

I've learned....
that the less time I have to work with,
the more things I get done. »

Thursday, June 09, 2005


The days I hold so dear
were once days that seemed rooted
and long... with little wind on my face...

but now that I am older,
maybe not wiser,
I realize that those days
are edged in gold and live there
in my heart...

running through grass in bare feet
watching clouds sail overhead
looking for stars that fall at twilight

The faded photographs
in my mind's eye
are worth more than the finest oil paintings
secured in museums.



"To All Those Who Are My All"

«To all those who've ever cared
Thank you for the joy you bring
Thank you for the tears we've shared
You make me want to laugh and sing
And eased the pain that I have beared

To all those who've ever felt love
Thank you for you lasting passion
Thank you for pushing when I shove
You loved in you secret fashion
Your soul fits mine just like a glove

To all those who have ever cried
Thank you for being there to share it
Thank you for listening when I lied
You held me close when sorrow bit
And held me up when a love one died

To all those who've stayed on
Thank you for your patience and kindness
Thank you for waiting while I was wrong
You soothed my brow with a sweet carress
And were the accompaniment for my fleeting song»

Monday, June 06, 2005


«When we show respect we are sending them the message, "I value you. You are important to me."
Receiving respect makes people feel important, cared for, and worthwhile.»


"Warmth is the glue in the bonding between people and the magnetism that draws us to a closer intimacy with others. It is a special ingredient, even a catalyst, in our human relationships. Warmth in people makes us feel welcomed, relaxed, and joyful."

To reflect upon...

"Life is not what happens to you, but how you react to it...for what caused you to react will surely pass, but how you continue to react can only be passed by you."

Por que os signos atravessaram a rua?

1. Porque é que o Carneiro atravessou a rua?
Certamente para ficar na tagarelice com alguém que estava do outro lado do Passeio.

2. Porque é que o Touro atravessou a rua?
Ora, porque teimou que tinha de o fazer...

3. Porque é que o Gémeos atravessou a rua?
Para ajudar uma menina de mini saia que estava do lado de lá.

4. Porque é que o Caranguejo atravessou a rua?
Porque se sentiu só e abandonado deste lado de cá.

5. Porque é que o Leão atravessou a rua?
Para chamar a atenção, aparecer na televisão, nos jornais,revistas,etc.

6. Porque é que o Virgem atravessou a rua?
Bem, atravessar, atravessar, ainda não atravessou porque primeiro tem de medir:
a) A largura da rua.
b) A velocidade dos carros.
c) Se a experiência é válida.
d) Qual será a melhor hora para atravessar, etc.

7. Porque é que o Balança atravessou a rua?
Não chegou a atravessar. Pediu boleia e foi de carro.

8. Porque é que o Escorpião atravessou a rua?
Porque era proibido.

9. Porque é que o Sagitário atravessou a rua?
Porque é senhor, quis e lhe apeteceu.

10. Porque é que o Capricórnio atravessou a rua?
Na verdade ele estava era a tentar suicidar-se por atropelamento.

11. Porque é que o Aquário atravessou a rua?
Porque para ele representou uma experiência criativa que trará incontáveis avanços tecnológicos no futuro da humanidade.

12. Porque é que o Peixes atravessou a rua?
Porque proporciona á rua o único momento interessante, criativa e cheia de acção.