Sunday, June 19, 2005

* 8 best ghost story in Wales

The Skeleton Bride

By way of complete contrast, there is this grim tale - another gothic horror story, first told (in gloriously overripe prose) in an old journal, the Cambrian Quarterly, in 1831.

The author is anonymous and the story is written in English, but he is so specific in his details that there may be a genuine Welsh tradition behind it all.

It tells of an incident which took place in a remote valley in Gwynedd in the early 18th century, when a young girl on her way to be married foolishly hides in a hollow tree for a prank - and gets trapped.

Despite frantic searches, she is not found alive again. She starves to death and her husband-to-be goes mad with grief and the mystery of it all.

Years later, he does come face-to-face with his bride again - when a lightning bolt rends the tree and her skeleton tumbles out. He drops dead from the shock.

After such a tragedy, it is no surprise to learn that their ghosts later haunted the site - "hand in hand, the skeleton bride and the wild-man bridegroom, as they were known".


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