Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Dia 31 de Outubro, as bruxas saem à rua, os fantasmas renascem e os mortos falam com os vivos... ou assim o povo conta.
It's a night full of mistery and serenity.

Where are you gonna be?


Wednesday, October 24, 2007


I unravel threads torn from my sanity,
weaving garments pleasing to your vanity;
now the monk's black cowl conceals a motley jester,
hides a heart of holiest profanity.
In pretense of prayer, I seem oblivious
to your whispered words, depraved, lascivious;
deep within my soul the leering ape ancestor
howls and mocks this pretense of humanity.

When a muted love speaks its ambivalence,
let me don the garb of gaudy eloquence;
choose some torn and tailored suit of my despair,
yet another patch upon my reticence.
These remain my secrets, these remain my lies;
these are sins I must keep hidden from your eyes.
Which of my fine empty rags shall next I wear,
best to clothe the silence, feigning innocence?

As unravel threads, my ill-stitched seams will fray;
I come ever to you in such disarray,
all my nakedness veiled in false modesty
tracing steps of my own decadent ballet.
For each lover will become the one in time
and, together, name the price paid for this crime;
then in penitent's robes, seeking amnesty,
shall I doff the tangled threads of yesterday.

Stephen Brooke

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Parabéns atrasados

O tempo passa, mas as memórias não
Embora o dia já tenha sido, os meus Parabéns mantêm-se

Happy wishes :D

Blinding Horizon

a soul swirling inside
the body gone galloping
upon a black stallion horse

see a fortress ahead
wounded bodies everywhere
total mayhem

sophisticated thoughts
race out the mouth
no time to believe in yourself
life too difficult
insane moments
reality left in the dust

yet a soul still swirls inside
a body seen galloping away
in the blinding horizon

Debbie Budnick

Follow ahead

A new day approaches, but I think I would like to sleep
Not all we want comes true
Not all we thought, we continue to think

Is it better to look behind ou just follow ahead?

Monday, October 01, 2007

Busca dentro de ti

Busca dentro de ti la solución de todos los problemas, hasta aquellos que creas más exteriores y materiales.
Dentro de ti está siempre el secreto, dentro de ti están todos los secretos.
Aún para abrirte camino en la selva virgen, aún para levantar un muro, aún para tender un puente, has de buscar antes, en ti, el secreto.
Dentro de ti hay tendidos ya todos los puentes, están las malezas y lianas que cierran los caminos.
Todas las arquitecturas están ya levantadas dentro de ti.
Pregunta al arquitecto escondido: él te dará sus fórmulas.
Antes de ir a buscar el hacha de más filo, la piqueta más dura, la pala más resistente, entra en tu interior, y pregunta.
Y sabrás lo esencial de todos los problemas y se te enseñará la mejor de todas las fórmulas, y se te dará la más sólida de las herramientas.
Y acertarás constantemente, pues dentro de ti llevas la luz misteriosa de todos los secretos.
