Saturday, June 04, 2005



"When this dance within is going on, there is freedom. Just freedom."
A lot of people feel they are incomplete. They see that something is lacking. I see each human being as complete. They just don’t realise it. There is a treasure buried within you. You may not know of it, and you may not be taking advantage of it, but that does not mean that you do not have the treasure within you.

Your elegance is within. Your strength is within; your heart is within; your wisdom is within. Being conscious of that is enjoyment in the truest sense. The message is for you – for you, as a human being. When you go, everything else stays behind because it is not you. You take with you only what is yours. So find what is yours, and make sure you have it. That is as simple as it is. It is a different kind of message, I know, because I am not trying to sell you anything. I just want to help you to turn to your heart.

Again, and again, the simplest of people have come and listened, and said, "This is it. I have found my home. I understand. I feel the joy." The heart was dancing and had not a care in the world. Free. When this dance is going on, there is freedom. Just freedom. There is no limitation of distance or time, ever. Age stops, time stops, everything stops. The greatest relationship develops – the relationship of this heart, of understanding, of fulfilment.

What I have to offer is unique. Nobody else can offer it. If people say, "Your words have changed my life," I tell them it is not something that I sat back and concocted, wrote down, or memorised. If my words change a person’s life, it is because they come from the heart. It is a message that has rung true again and again. And it will always ring true.



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